Our Dome mounted Celestron Edge HD 14 Aplanatic Schmidt Cassegrain Reflecting Telescope



Aperture               :  356mm (14 inches)

Focal Length         :  3,910mm (f/11)
Tube Length         :   787mm 31"
Weight                 :   21Kg
Central Obstruction: 4mm (32%)
Strehl Ratio of       :   0.83
Central Obstruction 
The secondary Telescope is a Teleview TV01 4" Refractor which can be use as a guide scope when astroimaging.
It is also a very good planetary telescope.

Mount Details

Skywatcher EQ8 GoTo with synscan handset. internal and external encoders and home position sensor

Weight 27kg without counterweights.

Counterweights 3 x 10kg

The external encoders allow the az and dec clutches to be loosened and the scope moved manually without it loosing its position information. Just retighten the clutches and use the Go to as normal. 

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 Probably the best free planetarium program around! 



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